Zhangping He

MS Candidate
Xidian Media Lab, School of Electronic Engineering,
Xidian University

Email: hezhangpin@sina.com


I am an MS Candidate in Xidian University (2014-2017), Xi’an, China, under the supervision of Prof. Cheolkon Jung. (Link to our lab: //www.huitwo.com/media/)

My research interests include machine learning and computer vision, especially focusing on visual object tracking.


MS, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System, Xidian University, 2017

BS, Electronic Science and Technology, Xidian University, 2014


[J2] Zhangping He, Cheolkon Jung, Qingtao Fu, Zhendong Zhang, "Deep Feature Embedding Learing for Person Re-Identification Based on Lifted Structured Loss," Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018 (SCI).

[J1] Zhangping He, Zhendong Zhang and Cheolkon Jung, “Fast Fourier Transform Networks for ObjectTracking Based on Correlation Filter,” IEEE Access, 2018 (SCI, IF: 3.244)

[C1] Zhangping He, Cheolkon Jung, Zhendong Zhang, “Deep Feature Embedding Learning for Person Re-Identification Using Lifted Structured Loss,” Proc. IEEE ICASSP, 2018 (EI)

Awards and Honors

[1] First-Class Scholarship of Xidian University (2015)

[2] Outstanding Postgraduate Student (2015)

[3] First-Class Scholarship of Xidian University (2014)

Professional Activities
