Yao Chen

MS Candidate,
Xidian Media Lab, School of Electronic Engineering,
Xidian University

Email: ychen_2@stu.xidian.edu.cn


I am a MS Candidate in Xidian University, Xi’an, China, under the supervision of Prof. Cheolkon Jung. (Link to our lab: //www.huitwo.com/media/)

My research interests include video coding and image processing.


MS, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System, Xidian Universtiy, 2013~Present

BS, Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, 2009~2013


[J1] Cheolkon Jung, Yao Chen, "Perceptual Rate Distortion Optimization for Video Coding Using Free-Energy Principle," IET Electronics Letters, 2015 (SCI).

Awards and Honors

[1] First-Class Scholarship of Xidian University (2014)

[2] First-Class Scholarship of Xidian University (2013)

[3] The second award of the sixth Automation Major’s outstanding undergraduate graduation design (Thesis) competition, Shannxi Province (2013)

[4] Outstanding graduation thesis of Xidian University (2013)

[5] National Encouragement Scholarship (2012)

[6 Third-Class Scholarship of Xidian University (2011)
